Research Developement Training

NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide - NSF 24-1
The NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide outlines all the information you need to submit a proposal to NSF. This document is updated every year, and this year there have been significant changes. This workshop outlines changes all faculty will need to adhere to in May 2024.
Persuasive Writing-Begin with the Benefit
This workshop discusses how to emphasize the benefit of your proposal to reviewers.
Creating a Plan for a Safe and Inclusive Work Environment
In response to federal agency requirements, NMT has a new requirement that there must be a plan for a safe and inclusive work environment created—and distributed to each participant—in advance of departure for an off-campus research activity.  The intent of this requirement is to provide guidance and protection for participants when they do not have ready access to the on-campus in-person resources they normally do. The underlying premise is that all participants need to know how to recognize and report inappropriate behavior and receive guidance in advance about how to feel safe and protected, even when they are away from campus.  This workshop covers how to create this plan. The plan template and FAQs can be found at



Editing your Proposal

This workshop covers things you will want to look at when editing your proposal.

Workshop recording

Workshop slides


NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide - NSF 23-1

The NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide outlines all the information you need to submit a proposal to NSF. This document is updated every year, and this year there have been significant changes. This workshop outlines changes all faculty will need to adhere to in January 2023.

Workshop slides



Submitting a Proposal to the NSF CAREER Program

This workshop discusses the NSF CAREER opportunity.  Any faculty intending to sumbit a proposal for the CAREER Program this year is encouraged to attend this workshop.


Workshop Slides

Presentation Recording


Finding Funding Opportunities

Before you can submit or even write your proposal, you need to find the perfect funding opportunity that will fit your research idea.  Where do you find the perfect opportunity?  This workshop covers finding funding oppotunities in pivot,, and other portals.


Workshop slides

Presentation Recording



Writing Reviewer Friendly Text

Writing a proposal is different from other academic writing. A proposal is a sales document and you must convince the review panel, the program officer and the agency to invest in your research. This workshop presents ideas about how to approach a proposal with reviewer friendly text that makes it easier for reviewers to find critical information in your proposal.

Presentation Slides

Presentation Recording


Writing Proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF)


This workshop gives on overview of the format and requirements of submitting a proposal to the National Science Foundation. This workshop covers how to find a funding opportunity at NSF and where to find the information needed to complete a proposal. Also covered in this workshop are changes to the format of several NSF forms including the NSFBiosketch and Current and Pending Support forms.


Presentation Slides


Presentation Recording


Understanding the National Institutes of Health INIH) Review


This workshop discusses the NIH review process, its review criteria and how to make sense of the reviewer comments to improve your proposal submission. The workshop also discusses comment review comments and how to address them.


Presentation Slides


Presentation Recording

Creating an NSF Biographical Sketch with SciENcv

NSF requires your biographical sketch be created by a fillable PDF form or through the SciENcv portal or through the fillable PDF available on the NSF website. SciENcv allows you to update your biosketch easily because it is linked to your ORCiD account. You select publications/products from your ORCiD account to be used in each biosketch, allowing you to easily change publications without re-typing the form. You may sign into SciENcv using your login and password. SciENcv offers a five minute video on how to create your biosketch on their portal. To watch the video go to:


For more information on the NSF approved formats for the biographical sketch see:


Creating an NSF Current and Pending Support Form with SciENcv

NSF requires your Current and Pending Support Form be created by a fillable PDF form or through the SciENcv portal or through the fillable PDF available on the NSF website. SciENcv allows you to update your form easily from a previous form without re-typing each entry. You may sign into SciENcv using your login and password. SciENcv offers a five minute video on how to create your Current and Pending Support Form on their portal. To watch the video go to:

For more information on the NSF approved formats for the biographical sketch see:


Using to submit your NSF Proposal is the modernization of FastLane, providing the next generation of grants management capabilities for the research community. currently provides easy access to research-related information and grants management services in one location. The modernization includes moving legacy FastLane capabilities to a new, modern portal platform. Proposal submissions, programmatic and financial reporting services, notifications, and requests are already available on Soon, FastLane will no longer be available for proposal submission functions. To view the NSF presentation and slides on how to use to go:



Diane Peebles, Sandia National Laboratories

      Wednesday, February 3rd, noon

Title"Engaging in Research Collaborations with Sandia National Laboratories"

Description: Sandia's Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program provides opportunities to engage in university collaborations to extend the research being performed at Sandia. This presentation will discuss the LDRD process in general and how university faculty members can connect through this process. It will also cover a broad description of the general research priorities of Sandia labs and the current LDRD call. 


Alan Hurd, Los Alamos National Laboratory

      Wednesday, February 17th, noon

       Presentation recording

       New Agenda and Opportunities at Los Alamos

       Alan Hurd's biosketch

Title:  New Agenda and Opportunities at Los Alamos

Description: Under new management and promising federal budgets, Los Alamos National Laboratory has taken a fresh look at the Lab Agenda and the Science Pillars upon which all activities are founded.  In this presentation, Hurd will cover opportunities and mechanisms to facilitate collaboration.


Steve Buelow, New Mexico Consortium

      Wednesday, March 3rd, noon

       Presentation recording

       Presentation slides

Title: New Mexico Consortium - Facilitating Collaborations with Los Alamos National Laboratory

Description: The New Mexico Consortium (NMC) was initiated by a Teaming Agreement between the University of California and the three New Mexico Research Universities (NMT, UNM, NMSU) to enhance research and education collaborations with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Incorporated in 2006 as a non-profit 501(c)(3), the NMC Board Of Directors has two members from each University and two members from LANL. The NMC provides financial support to the Universities for faculty, staff and student visits to LANL; organizing and attending workshops and conferences; proposal preparation and matching funds; and student internships and faculty sabbaticals.  This presentation will discuss current NMC activities and opportunities for faculty and staff to receive support for developing collaborations with LANL.


Shelley Lusetti, NM INBRE

      Wednesday, March 31st, noon

       Presentation recording

       Presentation slides

       Program flier

Title:  The NM INBRE Program

Description: NM-INBRE is an NIH-supported program dedicated to building research infrastructure in the State of New Mexico. This presentation will cover NM-INBRE opportunities for NMT faculty including research project support, technology access grants, and professional development tools. A program flier attached.


Dan Jones, NCKRI Faculty Research Program 

      Wednesday, April 28th, noon

      Presentation Recording

      Presentation Slides

Title: New opportunities from the National Cave and Karst Research Institute

Description: The National Cave and Karst Research Institute (NCKRI) is a research center of NMT that is headquartered in the City of Carlsbad, New Mexico. NCKRI was created by the US Congress in 1998 in partnership with the National Park Service, State of New Mexico, and the City of Carlsbad. Its goals are to conduct, support, facilitate, and promote programs in cave and karst research, education, environmental management, and data acquisition and sharing. NCKRI offers several grant programs designed to facilitate and support cave and karst research at academic and research institutions across the United States, including internal support for NMT researchers and opportunities for NMT students through the Cave and Karst Studies Program.


 External Research Opportunitites 

NIH Grants Podcasts


NIH Regional Seminars


NIH Training and Resources on Human Subjects


NSF Regional Conferences Training


CITA – Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (research ethics and compliance)